ENABLE Madison County
Brand design | Web Development | Video Production
When a crisis occurs, PR is your first line of defense. Creativity is key, and the most off-the-wall ideas can sometimes be the most effective PR tactics.
Our team is sharing our collection of some of our favorite holiday recipes! Ranging from desserts to entrées, there is something for everyone to enjoy!
Ah, work-life balance – you may have heard of it. In today’s fast-paced world, where technology enables constant connection, maintaining a healthy work-life balance has become an elusive goal for many. The demands of the modern workplace can take a toll on our mental health, making it crucial to prioritize and cultivate a balance between…
As the annual Small Business Awards Celebration approaches, my heart swells with gratitude and reflection. It’s a moment to look back at what has truly been an extraordinary chapter in the Flourish story. Our journey began in 2018. Just a year later, Logan (my first hire) and I found ourselves as proud nominees for the…
Late last year, we shared a blog post discussing recent trends in the media. While many of these findings remain relevant now, the world of marketing and PR is continually changing and evolving, and it’s essential to keep tabs on ongoing developments to stay ahead of the curve. The data covers a lot of ground,…
There’s been a lot of buzz in the news lately about the growing influence of ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and other generative AI platforms. It may feel brand new, but AI has been a part of our daily lives for years – if you’ve asked Siri or Google Assistant for a recipe or directions, have…
This season is characterized by significant changes, whether from the blooming foliage and emergence of new life in nature or the excited anticipation of schoolchildren preparing for summer vacations. Change, although often challenging, can be a much-needed catalyst for progress. Recently, our team reflected on the changes experienced during this period, leading us to consider…
Now, more than ever, awareness around mental health diagnoses is becoming an important topic in the workplace. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that an estimated 15% of working-age adults have a mental disorder. At Flourish, we’re dedicated to creating an open and welcoming environment that not only celebrates the differences of each team member,…
We get it – learning how to promote your business can be challenging to navigate when industry leaders use jargon that’s hard to decipher. Check out Five Terms Every PR Pro Should Know, and you’ll be speaking the PR language in no time! A pitch is a highly targeted story idea to send to a…
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