She Boss with Stephanie Malone
Megan: Thank you so much for joining us for She Boss! This episode is going to be very special because we are talking with one of our community’s leading ladies who are helping to really fuel the future workforce and development of young girls in our community. We are so excited to be talking with Stephanie Malone, who is with Girls Inc of Huntsville. And for those that live under a rock, you’ve probably heard the recent news about Serena Williams coming to Huntsville in support of Girls Inc Huntsville. This is such a big deal!
Stephanie: It is a huge deal.
Megan: And it’s the cherry on top to be honest, of all the effort that has been done for the last 23 years of your role in this position. So we’re excited to talk to you about today and talk to you a little bit about the programming that Girls Inc Huntsville offers, all of the amazing benefits you guys have put forth over the last couple of years and really how the community can get involved. So thank you so much for being here.
Stephanie: Thank you for having me. I know that we’ve tried to get this done a couple of times.
Megan: That’s okay. It’s hard. You have a lot- a little bit going on.
Stephanie: Yes, just a little bit.
Megan: Just a little bit. So let’s backtrack a little bit because I would love to hear just a little bit more about your background and what brought you to where you are today. And you’ve been with Girls Inc for a long time.
Stephanie: A long time
Megan: A long time, I think it was 23 years and eight months
Stephanie: 23 years, yes
Megan: I know you’ve reached a milestone but talk to us a little bit about what sort of got you here.
Stephanie: Well, I am from Huntsville so born and raised here, went off to school and came back but most of my experience was working with elected officials so I worked for Congressman Cramer for five years, who represented the Fifth Congressional District. And it was there where I really started to be a liaison to the nonprofit community with some of the planning that was coming out of Washington. And I thought just briefly, “Oh, I would like to work in a nonprofit someday.”
So I went on and worked at UAH a little bit in the advancement office, doing a lot of fundraising and went back to work for Mayor Spitzer to head up an environmental education campaign. So I had served on the board of Girls Incorporated, during that little stint when I was actually working for Congressman Cramer and so that’s why I really was first introduced to the organization. But I had long since rolled off the board, but still stayed connected. And when my predecessor was retiring, after 14 years, I was approached about maybe pursuing the Executive Director position. And at that point, I had kind of gotten over the nonprofit bug. And I thought, “Oh, thanks but no thanks. I don’t want to do that.”
Megan: Looking back at how things have changed
Stephanie: And so they were persistent and I thought, “Well, why not? Let me just see what it’s about on the other side, not from the government side, but actually the day to day or whatnot.” So I did, I interviewed and went through the process. I’m still really close to those that served on the search committee, because they have stayed connected with the organization. So that’s really special to me. And so 23 years later, I would have never thought that I would have stayed as long as I have, but the mission is very important. My girls have been able to go through their program, they started when they were in kindergarten, and now they’re 24 and 23 years old. And so, Imani started a little bit later, but I remember my first day at work at Girls Inc was when Mia, my middle daughter had turned one.
Megan: Wow
Stephanie: So, that was my first day working at Girls Incorporated and I will say that no two days have ever been the same. They’re all very different. And with nonprofit, I mean, there are so many challenges that you have to overcome, sometimes daily, sometimes monthly or annually, but the rewards and the benefits that we’re able to actually see manifests in the lives of the girls, it makes it all worth it. It makes it worth it.
Megan: So tell me a little bit about what it was like when you stepped in on the board over 23 years ago, what was Girls Inc like then compared to really where they are now?
Stephanie: You know, we were evolving even then I think that what I remember most about my board service was we used to have the ‘She Knows Where She’s Going’ celebration luncheon, where we honored three women in the community and it was a fundraising a lunch and of course and that was the signature event. And I think that we would maybe make about $15,000 on that but looking back we were really narrow in scope in terms of the work that we were doing. It was strictly just an after school program and a summer camp program and the programs are still evolving. I will say and it’s not to knock down any work of people that have worked there before but we have become really intentional about the programming that we offer. So it has moved from just an after school care type of program to where we’re really trying to be very intentional to equip girls with skills and resources, tools and opportunities that’s going to help them as they matriculate through elementary school, middle school, high school, eventually college, or if they want to enter straight into the workforce.
Megan: So what are some of the- if you can just share and maybe this is with your own daughters but share a little bit of a case study, so to speak, maybe with some girls that have come in and haven’t had the opportunity for exposure that they get through the programming that Girls Inc does offer, where have you seen some of those girls transition that perhaps their lives wouldn’t have taken them had they not had that opportunity?
Stephanie: Well, I can do two. One and always talk to people about Kai, and she will be with us at our speaker Gala and she’s also coming to speak at another event for us in September. But many of the girls come in and they lack confidence. The most interesting thing is to see girls come in, and they’re very shy and by the time that they go through the program, we have them speaking at events for Girls Incorporated.
Megan: That’s huge.
Stephanie: And they would have never thought that they would speak in front of a crowd of people because they just weren’t sure of themselves. But Kai in particular, we recognized very early that she had very strong leadership skills but we would tell her, “Kai you’re not leading in the right way.” you know or whatnot. But to see how she stayed with our program from kindergarten all the way through high school, went on to Mississippi State University, graduated, she’s in a fifth year program where she’s doing this architectural construction, that program and there are very few women that are in that program. And to see how she’s thriving there, came from a single parent household, and just to see how successful she has become, and we have stories like that. Even in my 23 year history, my daughter, Imani who’s an engineer, we have an Operation Smart List STEM program at Girls Inc and she says that she credits our programming along with a program that she was able to get involved in high school that allowed her to pursue a STEM career because she wouldn’t have thought about that, even though her dad’s an engineer. So she assumed it was not something that she thought about.
Megan: She sees it through the eyes of her dad not through her own application.
Stephanie: Right but when we sat down through some of the programs that we did at Girls Incorporated, like, ‘What’s important to you? What kind of lifestyle do you want to live? What are some things that you want to be able to afford for yourself and for you to buy?’ So when she made a list of all those things, and then we said, “Okay, well, what kind of career will allow you to do that?” then that’s where she narrowed it down. It was either going to be a physical therapist, but she didn’t want to go school that long or an engineer and she was really strong in Math. So I think, for Girls Incorporated, the girls come to us but part of our responsibility is to recognize and identify skills in them that they may not readily know that they have and to partner with that parent to say, “Hey, we’ve recognized that she’s really strong in science.” or “She’s really creative.” Outside of Girls Inc, these are some other opportunities that we want to try to help them gain exposure in or get into. So we try to really partner with our parents as well so that our girls can grow up to be strong, smart and bold.
Megan: Well, and I love that too because as a parent you know this when you tell your kids, “You’re so great at this so why don’t you think about this?”, and it’s like they don’t want to hear it.
Stephanie: Yes not when Mom says it but when somebody else comes in
Megan: Exactly and how you guys do it with the application base, it’s fun, and it’s energetic and it’s high level and they’re around their peers of girls that look like them that maybe come from similar backgrounds, similar families, and then I think the mindset and their perception of how they see the world around them transforms.
Stephanie: It does
Megan: And you’re not given that opportunity, when you don’t have those types of environments that you get to be a part of.
Stephanie: It’s a whole girls’ experience and that’s what we like to say it’s the girls’ experience, and it’s the hands on Interactive Programming and the programming is research based. But then it’s also the interaction with positive female and male role models. People that they probably would not have an opportunity to interact with, field trips that they may not- sometimes we take for granted, I’ll never forget, we went, just as a fun field trip years ago, to Alabama adventures right outside of Birmingham and for many of those girls, it was the first time that they’d ever ridden a roller coaster. So that was the highlight and so you think about maybe in your own family where you might have been to Six Flags or Disney World or some of those different travel destinations and that’s not an opportunity that’s afforded to everyone. And so, just to be able to take them to do something recreational and fun, which was a first experience for them and many of them talk about that. Years ago, we were able to take a group of girls; we used to do a program over in North Woods public housing so we ended up getting some funding. And just as a fun weekend trip, the staff took a group of girls down to the beach. It was their first experience, not just going to the beach, but just even traveling outside of the little small radius of their community because many times, North Woods is located right off and university drop, they have not gone past University drop beyond going to school. So it’s the small things that we do, we try to cover all of Madison County, we take the girls swimming out at the Hogan, YMCA, we’ve been swimming out at Hampton Cove, we’ve gone to restaurants that are down in South Huntsville and for many of the girls, it’s the first time that they’ve actually gotten outside of their small community, to see what our community has to offer. We’re constantly trying to go to the attractions, like the botanical gardens and things like that. So, in addition to doing this skill building, it’s just the overall quality of life and what’s available to them right here in their own community that they need to know about.
Megan: Yes, I love the combination of the academic focus coupled with the perspective of those experiences, because I think that’s when you have the true power of really creating something really strong that can yield a huge result. So, talk a little bit about being in the role that you’ve been in for such a long time, our community is growing like crazy so I mean, I would imagine that you all are outgrowing the space that you’re currently in. So talk a little bit about where Girls Inc is currently headquartered and some of the programming that you offer, how many girls you’re able to serve, and maybe some of the constraints that you’ve had with the growing community and the need coupled with that.
Stephanie: So we are in the Richard Showers Recreation Center and currently in that facility, comfortably, we can handle about 125 to 130 girls at a time but we’re limited in space. Every year, we have waiting lists for girls to be a part of our summer camp program. They have been very generous in offering additional space, like the gymnasium, the ballpark, the track, everything that feeds into our overall program model. However, we do have a vision of having our own space, where we’re able to serve more girls. Year round, we serve about 700 Girls, so we have our center based program and we also have school based partnerships where we partner with the various schools. And we actually take our programs into the schools. And that kind of took a death when the pandemic hit. So we were not able to go into the schools and even coming back out of the pandemic and I know we’re still in it, we weren’t able to go in and cover as many schools as we had before. So we’re just now gaining momentum this school year to get as many schools as we have pre pandemic, so about 700 girls. But our goal is to serve an additional 3000 girls over the next two to three years and we want to do that in Madison County. And we also want to expand our footprint into Morgan County and Limestone County, and their neighboring counties there. We’ve had calls of interest but it takes resources to do that. So we feel like we can stay proximate to the girls that we’re serving now but in a larger space, because our mission is to inspire girls to be strong, smart and bold. So we want to have a facility where we have a strong wing, a smart wing and a bold wing. And the programming that takes place in those different wings will be comparable to those words and our mission. Then have an administrative area, but then also have a multipurpose room and area because the girls love to perform.
So we like to do end of the summer skits and we like to have art shows and we like to have science fairs. We’re always looking for space and we go to look for space, there’s a charge for the space. And it would just be nice to have our own facility where if we wanted to have a science fair and host the community, we would have enough space to do that. If we want to do weekend workshops, we don’t have to check with the Shower Center to see if they have a room available because that is a very highly utilized facility. And they accommodate us mostly every time that they can. But to have our own branding, our own identity and to be able to do more family strengthening type of programs because we know that we work with the girls, we know that we have them for such a limited time but when they leave our space and they go back into their home environments or whatever environments, they’re going into school church or whatnot, there’s just so many things that they’re up against. So if we can not only work with the girl, but have space to work with the family because many of our girls have siblings and our parents are very involved and engaged with their children, but they’re overwhelmed sometimes in trying to take care of everything that they need to take care of. Not all but the majority of our girls come from single parent households with annual incomes under $30,000 and that’s not a lot to try to take care of your family. So if we can even help that mom and get her connected; when we do financial literacy, we’re teaching the girls the skills, but we need to know, “Mom, you need to have these skills too to reinforce the girl”. If your daughter comes to you and says, “I want” is that a want or is that a need? What is our budget? What are the goals that we’re working towards? If we’re living in an apartment or renting a home, do we want to become a homeowner? And so it’s just trying to reinforce the things that are going to help our girls have an enhanced quality of life, I will say, as they grow up and get them to really vision because a lot of our girls, and it’s really sad, sometimes if we do an activity or program we will say, “We want you to dream, you know, dream big.” So, big for them, it’s like, “I’ll dream big” or they can’t really visualize that
Megan: It’s limited.
Stephanie: So we push a lot and we get frustrated a lot of times because it’s not because they don’t want to, it’s just because the girls just don’t know what they don’t know.
When you grow up in a restrictive environment and you have limitations and that’s what you’re used to, dreaming big isn’t really an option because they don’t know any better or that’s even a thing. I think one of the many things that we love Girls Inc about- just so much about what you guys do is not only are you enhancing the quality of life and you’re exposing these girls to life skills, learning how to live a healthy life, learning how to just become more academically challenged and find these things that they otherwise wouldn’t really have an opportunity to. But you’re creating a lasting legacy that’s going to have a rippling effect on so many lives beyond just them because you have these young girls who learn these things, and it completely transforms the trajectory of what their life and life’s impact is going to be. So for organizations who are looking to truly make a lasting impact within this community, this is an organization that is doing just that. And not only are you seeing immediate results with what’s going on, but these are results that are lasting for years to come.
Stephanie: Oh yes for sure
Megan: I mean, there’s no doubt, Girls Inc of Huntsville is leaving a legacy so far, you’ve done amazing things, but I mean, it impacts so many.
Stephanie: It’s bigger than one person and that is the goal. So the day will come when I’m not at Girls Incorporated anymore and so it’s not, and I don’t want it to ever be about Stephanie, it has to be about that mission, and the impact that we’re having on the lives of the girls that have come through the program and also the girls that are coming in behind. I look and I see our girls that have gotten advanced degrees and I do see our girls that are medical students. I just recently went to a housewarming for one of our girls, Ingrid, and she is still very shy but Ingrid, again came in at a very young age, went all the way through high school. She graduated from Tuskegee University with a 4.0 in engineering. She ended up getting her master’s in engineering, some other discipline of engineering, maintained a 4.0 there, worked in Florida, recently moved back home and has purchased a home out in the county and it is a beautiful, beautiful home. And I said, “Ingrid, you are a poster child for Girls Incorporated”, I said, “And I would love to be able for you to tell your story.” She was like, “Ms Stephanie, you know I’m shy I can’t talk.” But from a very early age, she was so focused on her academics and she had supportive parents. Her parents were not engineers, but they were very hardworking parents. And they were very engaged and anytime that we had an activity outside of the traditional after school or summer, they made sure that Ingrid was involved and she was engaged and we know that the more exposure that girls get at Girls Incorporated in terms of hours and the diversity of our programming, they outperform their peers that have limited exposure to Girls Incorporated or have no exposure to Girls Incorporated. And we know that across the Girls Inc network. Our girls perform better on standardized tests, they feel more prepared for post secondary education, they feel more confident in their ability to be seen as leaders. They find their voice and they learn how to use their voice in a positive way to advocate around issues that are important to them and issues that impact them. So that is the work of Girls Incorporated across the network and we’re very fortunate to be able to do that work right here in our community, and the longevity that we’ve been able to withstand is really because of the support that we have seen. We have those companies and individuals that have just been long standing supporters and I call them investors of our work so there’s room for so many more.
Megan: Yes, there is.
Stephanie: So we won’t turn anyone away. And it’s not always about the financial resources.
Megan: Yes, that’s what I was going to ask you. What are some of your needs?
Stephanie: It’s about the time, I guess it was last week, The Nerdettes – they’re the Robotics Team here in Huntsville. So they’re giving back to our girls and they’re coming in, during our after school program and they’re working with our girls on robotics. And they’re talking about their experience of being an all female robotics team and being able to go to the national competition. And so again, it is planting those seeds, and it’s providing exposure for the girls from somebody thinking, “well, maybe I could do that”, you know, “maybe I could learn more about robotics or coding or fashion design or leadership development or tennis”, I mean, anything. And because we find that our girls are so used to those phones.
Megan: Like put the phone down and explore everything
Stephanie: “Go outside”, “well, it’s hot outside”, “It’s okay, you need your vitamin D, we’re going outside”
Megan: Sweating is good for your skin.
Stephanie: Exactly, to do that so we have our work cut out for us but again, we have a committed staff. And we have a board that has grown over the years just to a level of engagement that is so encouraging, that really cares about the trajectory of the girls and the organization and the work that has been done and the strategic plan that we’ve put together. So I’m very excited at the 50th anniversary and the work that you all have done to help us create awareness around the Girls Inc experience and how comprehensive we are. So it’s just not your run of the meal after school programs, ‘just keep the kids until the parents can come and pick them up’. Like I said it’s very intentional and compensatory in the programming that we provide. So hopefully all of this awareness and all of this excitement around Serena coming and us being able to tell our story will help position Girls Inc. to really take off and elevate to a level that we have not seen before.
Megan: Yes, it’s past due. You guys deserve it, I mean, getting exposure to Girls Inc. From a Flourish perspective, it’s just so inspiring. And I really don’t mean to use that word to be cliché, but the stories and the case studies and the involvement and just the programming and everything, I mean it’s such a fascinating story to watch unfold, that’s so admirable and I know you have a very supportive staff rallying around you, supporting you.
Stephanie: We do
Megan: But you also do an amazing job
Stephanie: Well thank you
Megan: So you got to give yourself credit because running a nonprofit with a shoestring budget that you have and the needs that you have. The needs never stop and they only grow. And I mean, the community really needs to recognize that and rally around what you guys are doing because Girls Inc of Huntsville is very different from any other organization here doing what you guys do with your research back program and really focused on the academic component, the healthy lifestyle component and the life skill component. So, as Stephanie mentioned, this year is the 50th anniversary of Girls Inc Huntsville. So this entire year has been the Fuel Her Fire campaign. And there’s been so many fun events and programming that has been going on throughout the course of the year. And the big news that just hit is that Serena Williams is coming to Huntsville and she just announced her retirement and shortly after announced that she’s coming to Rocket City. So how exciting is that? I know that she’s going to be here for the Sneaker Gala. So tell us a little bit about the Sneaker Gala, and then what’s to come after that throughout the course of the year.
Stephanie: So the Sneaker Gala is our signature fundraising event, we just rebranded it this year, and we felt like it was very fitting. But it really is the one night that we really get to shine and showcase our current participants and former participants, and we really allow them to take over every aspect of that program. Again, it helps them with their public speaking; they have an opportunity to tell their story of impact and what Girls Inc has meant to them. And then as a bonus, Serena gets to be a part of it, she gets to be a part of that.
Megan: She gets to be a part of that. I’m sorry, I love that.
Stephanie: We couldn’t have asked for a greater role model. She, as I mentioned before, represents so much of what we teach in our program. She is a philanthropist. She’s an outstanding athlete, she is an entrepreneur, she is a mother, she has had challenges that she’s had to overcome, and she’s been able to use her voice around things that are important to her in the space that she functions in. And so for her to become and share her story, and for our girls to be able to sit for 60 minutes on a stage and do Q & A with her to gain nuggets and insights and inspiration and encouragement, and then in turn, offer some of that back to her. Because she’ll say, “I was just a girl from Compton”. And so our process allows us to go from Huntsville but to see, well, if she was able to accomplish everything that she’s been able to accomplish, who was in her corner helping her along the way? Who picked her up when she was down? And for our girls to recognize that it’s not always going to be always an easy path. But if you stay committed and focused, and if you have a dream or if you have a goal and if you really put your mind to it and work for it, no one can stop you. So we’re excited and we want the community to come out and support that and they have rallied around it. I’ll tell you that, they have rallied around that.
Megan: Since that announcement, things have been on fire.
Stephanie: Oh yes, I know but again, it’s our way to say, “Hey, follow us on social media” because when Serena leaves, we’re still going to be here to work. And we still want people to be connected. So the people that have come into the Girls Inc network because of that event, that our job is the challenging job is to keep them connected, and to keep them engaged, where they want to continue to invest and to continue to know what we’re doing at Girls Inc. Because for many, it’ll be the first time, “Oh I’ve kind of heard of Girls Inc. I mean, I didn’t know y’all did all that” or “I’ve never heard of Girls Inc, I didn’t even know Girls Inc was here.” So it really is a chance for us to tell the girls story so we don’t want to fumble ball on this. We want to make sure that people understand how important it is and the work that we’re doing and how we need them to not only sustain what we’re doing but to help us grow. And people have the power to do that. I know everybody wants to see a celebrity because we have more and more coming to our community. And so we’re just glad that Girls Inc is being able to bring someone of her caliber to come but when they’re gone and they’ve gone back to their communities and everybody else is still here, we still need you to be engaged with what we are doing.
Megan: And guess what? Those girls in your program, they’re the true celebrities.
Stephanie: Oh yes, they are.
Megan: They’re the ones who are the shining stars.
Stephanie: And the staff, they come in every day and they give their all we have to let our girls know, “hey you need to be more appreciative sometimes of the effort that the staff is putting into developing these initiatives and these lesson plans, because it’s all for your benefit and so we eat sometimes girls can be- and they don’t always understand or appreciate.
Megan: What do you mean? I have no idea.
Stephanie: I know. We are like, “We’re going to do our part, we need you to do your part as well.” but that’s part of our job as well too. And that’s why I have to keep our staff encouraged too and say, “You know, but that’s our job to help them understand and help them navigate through all of these emotions that they have or the drama that they might experience in school.” So it’s like soft skill development and like I said, it is life skills and everything. So we helped to come out of the Sneaker Gala, and all the events that we’ve had throughout the year where people really know the Girls Inc brand, and they really know what that brand means and the programming that we have. We have Eureka Initiatives that are just STEM only initiatives. And we have partnered with Oakwood University, they’ve housed us. We have sent many of our girls that were accepted into the new Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering and they’re starting their first year over there, because those are girls that are very serious about STEM and they want to be a part of that. And so we’ve partnered with Lockheed, and our girls are affiliated in Denver. We’ll be doing something on the Artemis once Artemis gets to launch.
Megan: Saturday
Stephanie: I know, we’ll get to do some programming around that with our affiliate and the girls that attend our Growth in Denver affiliate and Lockheed Martin. I mean, there’s so many community partners that we have and we are just so grateful for all of them. We welcome more, as long as we can sustain it with funding and resources, because that’s what it takes to be honest. I think sometimes people think, “Oh, it’s a nonprofit, they don’t really need it.” But running a nonprofit is like running a small business.
Megan: Absolutely, it is.
Stephanie: I mean every aspect of that.
Megan: Especially in the caliber that you run Girls Inc and your programming is top notch.
Stephanie: It takes resources to do that so we don’t want people to feel like we are not in need. There are definitely times where I can breathe a little bit easier and then there are many more times that I’m like, “Oh God what are we going to do” but the provision is always there. So we just keep matching forward, we stay true to our mission. We don’t try to get off mission to chase dollars. We feel like there’s enough money and resources out there to support the work that we’ve been called to do. So we try to stay in our lane, we expand within our lane but again we know our girls need us so we just want to be around for 50 more years because everything is evolving and changing with technology and we need to stay on top of it.
Megan: Yes agreed and our community owes it to the young community and the girls in our community and the future generations to continue to support that. Even though there is a lot of buzz around the Sneaker Gala, which is going to be amazing, as you mentioned, after that is done, the need is still there and it’s continued to be great so we can’t let Girls Inc of Huntsville have limitations and have a capacity to where you can no longer provide the services that you do because it’s absolutely transformative for the girls and the families who get to be a part of it.
Stephanie: We don’t want it to be a ‘won and done’. We want people to see it as an investment. If you continue to invest in us, you’ll get a return on your investment. These girls are going to come back here and hopefully work right here in our community and be your future workforce. So they might be your future educators, they might be your future physicians or your future dentists or future engineers or people working at NASA or the Arsenal or being their own entrepreneur. One thing that we overlook a lot is that it’s okay to work for yourself. You can do that, if you are going to work that hard, what is it that you are very passionate about? Explore it
Megan: They need the options to even identify what that might be and without having that as an option, you may just follow a path because you don’t know any different and not explore some of those passions that might be there which you didn’t even know you had.
Stephanie: Exactly, so we are just grateful to our College and University community ——— because they have all housed our girls in some type of programming and initiative and it’s so fun to see those girls on a college campus and to interact with students on the college campus and they’ve done fun things and they’ve done STEM things and they’ve gotten up there and walked the hill of Alabama A&M and gone to the local store and gone to the fitness center.
Megan: What a beautiful campus to do that on too
Stephanie: I know. So to get them thinking about their future and it’s like you don’t necessarily have to go away, there are several majors and disciplines and courses between Drake, A&M, UAH and Oakwood University where you don’t have to go away. It’s always fun to go away but some people may not be able to but if you work hard in school, I guarantee you that they will all offer some type of scholarship assistance to be able to do that.
Megan: Absolutely
Stephanie: So girls it’s very important that you stay focused with your work.
Megan: Well thank you so much for all that you do within our community, you are a total rock star. You really are.
Stephanie: You are so sweet but thank you so much.
Megan: But you are. What Girls Inc of Huntsville has done in just the short amount of time that we’ve been able to get to know you, is just phenomenal. As an entrepreneur, it’s admirable. As a mom, it’s inspiring and just as a community advocate for our local area non profits, it’s just awesome what you guys are doing so you need to support Girls Inc Huntsville if you haven’t already. They are doing amazing things. This is the year to Fuel Her Fire.
Stephanie: Yes it is the year of Fuel Her Fire and to be in the corner of all our girls! I can’t thank you all enough for joining with us and partnering with us.
Megan: It’s been a lot of fun.
Stephanie: And helping us really get the message out there and to help tell our story and it’s been a great experience working with Flourish so thank you.
Megan: Thank you so much, awesome. Well thank you guys for joining us. Stephanie, thank you for joining us for She Boss.